Energy is affecting your relationships! ALL interactions with others send powerful streams of energy back and forth, which have a great effect upon our relationships. We can send or receive energies that are positive and create more intimacy and healthy bonding, or we can send or receive energies that violate and disturb our relationships. Learn to consciously use energy to make relating more 
joyful and effective.

Examples of Unhealthy Interactions

Examples of Healthy Interactions

two people demonstrating emotionally overwhelming another person

Emotionally overwhelming another person – one of the 14 types of energy field violations

example of mother sending love to her child

Mother sending loving energies to her child

people demonstrating appreciation on the surface and sucking energy underneath

Appreciation on the surface and sucking energy underneath

Coach sending empowering energies from his solar plexus

Coach sending empowering energies from his solar plexus

people demonstrating Heart energy being deflected due to walls

Heart energy being deflected due to walls

couple connecting heart to heart

Couple connecting heart to heart