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Balance your ENERGY – CHANGE your Life

Energy Balancing consciously works with the energy field and its energy streams and changes their state. It is a powerful tool in dealing with yourself and in relationship with others. You can apply Energy Balancing in your personal life or work with others in casual situations.

And if energy is really calling you, you can learn to give professional sessions, add Energy Balancing to your existing practice or you could even be directing your own Energy Balancing workshops! These trainings enrich you and give you the gift of being able to really make a difference!

Energy Balancing in Action


Energy Balancing for You (EBY)
Work on your own energies.

Casual Coaching

Energy Balancing with Others (EBO)
Work with others in casual situations

Professional Coaching

Energy Balancing Coach (EBC)
Work as a professional Energy Coach

Energy Balancing Group Leader

Energy Balancing Group Leader (EBGL)
Lead Energy Balancing Groups