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Energy Balancing Sessions

An Energy Balancing session is an X-ray picture of your energy system, mapping the energies within you and the way energy moves between you and others. Learn the energy skills to directly work with your energy. Enrich your life, solve problems, find solutions and bring your energy in balance and center.

Our Coaches

Our coaches are not only skilled in the art and science of Energy Balancing, they have done a great deal of inner work themselves. They bring to their work with you a fine-tuned energy awareness and a psychological and spiritual maturity.

For more information about our Energy Balancing Trainings go to Training.

Margaretha Bessel

Margaretha is Director of the ‘Energy Balancing Institute’, Co-Author of “Your Energy in Action”, leader of Essence Training Germany and an accomplished Energy Therapist.

Frankfurt, Germany
English, German, Dutch, French
Mischa Thierfelder

Mischa Thierfelder

Mischa is Co-leader of Essence Training Germany and a highly-trained Energy Therapist, NLP-Practitioner, Voice Dialogue Facilitator and Meditation Teacher.

Stuttgart, Germany
English, German

Andreas Horn

Andreas is a a certified Energy Balancing Trainer and passionate about teaching Energy Balancing as a seminar leader and coach and part of the Essence Training Team.

Leipzig, Germany
German, English

Sarah Dittmer

Sarah is a cert. Energy Balancing Trainer and Essence Trainer. In her university studies, she focused on psychology & consulting.

Esslingen, Germany
German, English

Heiko Füssel

Heiko is a coach, essence training therapist and energy balancer. His passion is to bring the higher energies of the inner world down into this world in a very grounded way.

Esslingen, Germany
German, English

Lilian Brodtmann

Lilian represents Energy Balancing in Latin America and is certified. Energy Balancer Coach. She combines her interest in natural sciences and her subtle sense of the world around us.

Buenos Aires, Argentinien
Englisch, Deutsch, Spanisch
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