For an Energy Sensitive Person ‘normal life’ can be quite challenging. But these two Energy Balancing techniques make your survival easier.Highly energy sensitive personSo many people who come to our Energy Balancing workshops tell us they need to learn how to protect themselves better as they find daily life quite overwhelming, depleting and draining.

Most of them would qualify as highly energy sensitive person (click here to find out whether you are highly sensitive). If you are a highly sensitive person struggling with living in this world, then you might find the following tips and hints helpful in understanding how to live your life, with all its encounters and happenings, whilst keeping your energy in a better state.

In fact, whether or not we consider ourselves to be highly sensitive, there will be times when we come across other people that violate our energy, or we find ourselves in a conversation or meeting that we find draining. So, even if you dont think of yourself as being a highly sensitive person, you can still use these techniques to protect yourself from those situations you find challenging or draining.

In all likelihood then, whether or not you are highly sensitive, you have experienced some sort of overwhelm at some time in your life. To read more about what this can feel like, click here.

Today I would like to give you a few hints on taking better care of your personal space – what we call your energy field or aura – that will help you cope better with daily life and the people around you.

Of course, there is a myriad of things to learn about taking care of your energy field, and learning it all is a life-long endeavor, so today I would like to draw your attention to the first two important elements of this kind of energy work that can help you survive better in daily life:

•      Protecting yourself

•      Cleansing yourself


1.    Protecting Yourself Energetically

As many of the people who attend our workshops say, ‘protecting oneself’ from unwanted energies is the first thing that comes to mind when you are a highly sensitive person. There are a number of different techniques to protect yourself energetically, and you may already know some of them (this might be a good reminder to use them again).

In Energy Balancing, we look at the different types of violations that are happening (like aggression, manipulation, ‘energetic sucking’ etc.) and we teach techniques that are specific to each of these. There is a whole chapter on ‘violations’ in our book Your Energy in Action! ‘Energy Balancing’ for Daily Living if you want to read more on this enormous subject and I will also make sure to offer you some more of this content in future articles!

Here is a very simple energetic protection exercise you can try – it really works!

A practical exercise to protect your energy: Creating Your Energetic Protection Bubble

Imagine your energy field, your aura (which extends about one arm’s length around you, above and below you) is a “bubble” of energy that has a protection layer on the outside, just like a thin invisible wrap around your ‘personal bubble’. You can visualize a color along the boundaries of this bubble. Some people like to imagine blue as protection color, but any other color that you connect with power, love, healing or protection will do just as well.

In Energy Balancing, where we ultimately want to come back to the realization of yourself as a ‘Golden Being’, we suggest you imagine this boundary as a beautiful golden-yellow layer of light. This bright light will naturally brush off some of the unwanted energies and keep them from entering your field while you go about your daily life. It will of course grow stronger if you can remind yourself of your protection bubble several times during your day!

Besides the protection bubble, the following exercise has become one of the most valuable practices in my ‘tool box’:


2. Cleansing Yourself Energetically

While it is great to learn how to protect yourself from the energetic impact of the things and the people around you, there is another secret that can help reduce the impact of outside influences on you that I myself use several times a day:

Sensitive person cleansing

Cleansing yourself of stuffthat has entered your energy field

No matter how good your ‘protection bubble’, there are still vibes that will find a way to enter your energy field.

In Energy Balancing we say that thoughts, feelings and other people’s life energy (their ‘vibe’) is a substance that can be transferred to you.

You’ve probably experienced this when you have sat beside a depressed person for a while; it’s not long until you start feeling a little down as well. Or standing beside a nervous or aggressive person in the queue at the supermarket might begin to irritate you as well.

Behind this are two energy principles:

Energy Principle no 1 – “Energy is Substance” that says that our thoughts, feelings and our very life energy are a substance.


Energy Principle no 2 – “Energy Transference” – meaning this substance can be transferred between people, places and things.

So, to let go of all the energetic ‘stuff’ that you unconsciously pick up during your activities and encounters with other people, you can learn to regularly cleanse yourself energetically, to free yourself from vibes that are not yours – and even any of your own ‘stuff’  that you find unpleasant!

Here is a very simple but effective exercise that uses your imagination together with your breath as ‘cleansing devices’:

A practical exercise to cleanse your Energy Field: Quick Breathing Visualization

  • As you breathe out, visualize any unpleasant energies (thoughts, feelings, body tensions) in your system streaming downwards into the ground. Imagine the earth absorbing and transforming them. Let go of everything you don’t need any more and release it downwards.
  • Now, as you breathe in, visualize bright light streaming down into you from above, filling your entire body and energy field. Imagine this new, fresh energy is nourishing you and cleaning out any unpleasant and old, stale energies that are no longer serving you.

You can also do this while you are taking a shower, imagining the water is a waterfall of light that cleanses not only your body but also your energy field – washing away all the tensions, negative thoughts and emotions and replacing it with refreshing bright light.

I use both of these simple exercises several times a day, and can only recommend that you try them too. Your life as an energy sensitive person will feel a lot easier and lighter if you remember to do these two things regularly! You may find it hard at first but I promise you will become better and more effective over time.


Here is the best way to use this two exercises:

1.  Before you go anywhere, imagine your ‘protection bubble’ to protect yourself energetically.

2.  Whenever you leave a place, a meeting (or even a phone call), do the breathing visualizing to cleanse yourself energetically.

Of course, there is more to energy awareness than just these two tools. To become a master of your energy field and your boundaries is quite a journey! Here is a link to another version of Cleansing your Energies with Author und Founder of Energy Balancing, Ritama Davidson: Dusting Exercise

There is more to discover about how you can maintain your boundaries efficiently as a highly energy sensitive person while you remain open for the beauty of the world and its treasures! And, ultimately, Energy Balancing teaches you how to radiate your very own energy – your very essence – out into the world and become a shining example of how life can be.

In this state of ‘Golden Being’ you will remain a centered ‘beam of light’ despite what’s going on outside of you; you will radiate your power, love and joy without going overboard, and you will not be attractive to aggressors (or energy ‘vampires’) but instead, create more and more joyful meetings!

If this sounds good, or you simply want to learn more about how to better survive in daily life as an energy sensitive person, I invite you to or contact us for information on our live-workshops and online-coachings at Or can buy our book Your Energy in Action! ‘Energy Balancing’ for Daily Living where we go into lots of detail about how you can protect yourself from unpleasant energies (‘violations’), cleanse your energy field from ‘stuff’ and how you can get and stay centered.