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The Energy Balancing Institute – a branch of Essence Training – was founded to bring Energy Awareness and Energy Psychology to the wider public. It offers programs for beginners to advanced practitioners – live and online – that are experiential, dynamic and alive. Certified EB-Trainers worldwide are teaching the effective tools of Energy Balancing. ABOUT US.

Energy Awareness for Daily Living

Energy Balancing is an understanding of how energy flows within the Human Energy Field and between ourselves and the world around. It has its roots in the Energy Sciences – Energy Healing and Medicine, Energy Psychology, and Energy Spirituality as taught in Yoga and the Indian Chakra system.

What is new in Energy Balancing is the application of energy to daily living. It teaches energy skills for keeping our selves in balance and center, for better relating, greater effectiveness and higher consciousness. Its focus is on creating energy awareness in everything we do, and to develop the energy skills to make our lives work better.

The Deep End of Energy Work

Essence Training is an Inner Work School offering transformational workshops in Germany as well as introductory workshops in Germany and abroad. It has its root in Energy Work and in Evolutionary Psychology. Seven 5-day-trainings each focus intensively on one major theme of life. All Trainings, Live- and Online-Teachings, Audios, Videos and the comprehensive Knowledgebase focus intensively on major themes of life.

Intensive self-exploration

Essence Training is an environment for intense self-exploration. It combines dynamic group processes, personal process work, energy balancing, meditation and teachings to create a rich environment for personal transformation. It gives you a map, many energy-based methods and a manual to “Full Spectrum Psychology and Spirituality”. We work on the physical, energetic, emotional, mental, spiritual body, so no part of you is left out.


The professional branch of the school offers in-depth training in the science of human potential, allowing you to work as an essence trainer, individual coach or group leader.

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