Energy affects everything in our lives

One manifestation of energy is commonly called the Aura – the energy field that exists within a human being and surrounds us.  The Human Energy Field is constantly changing shape due to our thoughts and feelings, and through energies we interact with.  Every interaction we have with another person sends energies flowing back and forth. These energies are what really determine what occurs.

‘Energy is substance’:

The fabric of Life is a substance. Just as the water in the ocean is a substance, so too is this underlying fabric a substance. This has tremendous implications. It means our thoughts are a substance. Our emotions are a substance. Our love is a substance. Our highest moments of aspiration are a substance. Our very life force is a substance.

‘Energy is Vibration’:

Life energy, thoughts and feelings are all composed of frequencies of vibration in the substance of energy. Some vibrate at very high frequencies we call inspiration, genius or enlightenment. Others vibrate at frequencies we call sadness or anger. Some thoughts and emotions are so-called negative because their vibrations are destructive and harmful to us. Others are deemed positive because their vibrations are life supportive and uplifting.

An “Ordinary” Family Dinner…

family eating dinner around a table

We are in a myriad of situations which have subtle “vibes” or chemistry. There are a great many things going on that we sense but can’t clearly see or understand. These things affect us greatly.

Is Anything But Ordinary When Seen Through the Eyes of Energy

what is energy? this diagram shows how energy affects a family dinner

You already are immensely perceptive to energy. The human energy field is an antenna of the finest sensitivity, picking up a tremendous range of vibratory frequencies. You’re just not paying attention to it. Only when it reaches a certain threshold of “loudness”, perhaps pain or joy, does it get your attention. But because you don’t notice it, doesn’t mean that energy doesn’t notice you! It is affecting you in a myriad of ways.